AIS 6.5 is available!

Arch Install Script 6.5 finally got out. A lot has changed since the first day I started writing code

One of the funniest things that happened was MATE’s renaming of package called mate-extras into mate-extra. Also, few other things about MATE caused me to almost ditch it from script; few days ago, when this rename thing happened, I discovered that Caja now crashes when you try to open Downloads folder! Not just that; mate-volume-control-applet is gone, too! There is no such package! WTF, MATE team?! Guess now I know why MATE isn’t officially supported in Arch. :-/
Anyway, you can download new AIS from this link:
To run the script from booted Arch iso, just type in:

wget && sh XOWg71

That should download and execute AIS script. Enjoy! 🙂

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