Yep, AIS is still alive and kickin’ – v6.90

It’s been a while (more than two years!) since my last post. Just want you to know AIS is still alive.

I haven’t made any changes in a while, so probably few things do not work as they should, but it still should be able to get you on your feet. I think that only thing that MAY cause any problems is MATE DE. Yeah, again. Anyway. Check it out, now with another short link:
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AIS 6.6 is out!

As I may have mentioned before, after a lot of work, dual-lang script is now available! Use the same short link as before to run it from Arch’s live CD enviroment.

Yep, it’s out. After few months of testing and fixing small details, it finaly came out right. Well, almost. One thing that needs fixing is setting your clock to something else than Europe/Zagreb. If you know how to change this once you have your Arch up and running, it’s no biggy, but if you dont, then you’re out of luck for now. I’ll try to fix this problem ASAP, but since I’ve got a new job recently, I’m not sure how much time will I have. Be patient, and enjoy it as it is for now. 😉
In the meantime, MATE got fixed and entered official repos. Also, recent update of MATE is pretty neat, and works perfectly! Good ol’ Gnome 2 is alive again! 😀
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AIS 6.5 is available!

Arch Install Script 6.5 finally got out. A lot has changed since the first day I started writing code

One of the funniest things that happened was MATE’s renaming of package called mate-extras into mate-extra. Also, few other things about MATE caused me to almost ditch it from script; few days ago, when this rename thing happened, I discovered that Caja now crashes when you try to open Downloads folder! Not just that; mate-volume-control-applet is gone, too! There is no such package! WTF, MATE team?! Guess now I know why MATE isn’t officially supported in Arch. :-/
Anyway, you can download new AIS from this link:
To run the script from booted Arch iso, just type in:

wget && sh XOWg71

That should download and execute AIS script. Enjoy! 🙂

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Arch Install Script (for now, croatian only)

Few days back, frustrated by Arch Linux install process, I began working on my own install script. Before I made this script, I could never get it done in less than hour and a half, and now, thanx to my AIS, it’s finished in less than half an hour!
arch-linux-logoThere are still few rough edges (few things need more automatization and/or tweaking, needs more choices…), but it’s (be)coming quite well. Once I finish it (for now it’s only in Croatian), I’ll make it prompt for install language (Croatian or English), and English will be default one.
If there’s someone willing enough to test it “as is” and understand Croatian, feel free to contact me by e-mail: cooleech(sign)gmail(mark)com.
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